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Work on Brantford dike to resume August 19th

Work on the dike and river channel along the Grand River downstream of Veterans Memorial Bridge in Brantford is expected to get underway on Monday, August 19th and will take approximately 4 weeks to complete. The project began in the fall of 2018 and is about 75% complete. Periodic high river levels and ice conditions along the river resulted in delays due to limited accessibility.

The project includes the reduction of a large sediment bar and placement of rip rap (large loose rock) along the base of concrete slabs, which protect the face of the dike. The slabs are heavily exposed to ice in this section of the river and have deteriorated since the dike was constructed. This work will stabilize erosion at the base of the slabs to ensure they continue to help manage the risk of flooding. Work in 2018 identified that the ice jam through this reach last year had caused additional scour of the river bed requiring more rip rap than originally estimated. Work in 2019 will involve final shaping of the material along the slabs and moving material to the downstream portion of the project area. Work to reduce the sediment bar was largely completed in 2018.

A section of the floodwall at River Road and Gladstone Avenue will be temporarily removed to allow trucks and equipment to access the area to complete restoration and placement of rip rap along the lower section of the project area. River flows at this time of year are low and a contingency plan is in place in the event of higher flows. River Road in this area will be affected by temporary lane closures to allow for this work.

Staging and construction access for the work will take place off of Market Street South through Rivergreen Park. Trucks will move rip rap from the park to the to River Road access. Access through the park and along the SC Johnson Trail will be restricted during construction. Signage will be in place to direct trail users to the sidewalk from Earl Haig Park to River Road. Please check the City of Brantford online newsroom for updates regarding access restrictions at

Ecosystem Recovery Inc. is the design and contract administrator for the project and work is being carried out by Dynex Construction Inc. Restoration of the site will include revegetation and planting in the area.


Media contacts:

Cam Linwood, GRCA Communications Coordinator
Phone 519-621-2763 x2251 | Email


Lisa Stocco, GRCA Manager of Communications
Phone 519-621-2763 x2316 | Email

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