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The GRCA permits hunting on 21 properties. That includes two Grand River Conservation Areas, the Luther Marsh Wildlife Management Area and 18 miscellaneous properties.

Depending on the property, you can hunt for waterfowl, deer,  turkey and small game.

Permits and licences 

Links to the online application web pages are below 

Hunters must possess a GRCA hunting permit in addition to the appropriate Provincial and/or Federal hunting licence(s) and stamps and/or tags. Check the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary and the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits. Information on purchasing permits is found in the sections below.

Hunters must also belong to the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Membership in OFAH includes insurance coverage, which is required to hunt in these areas.

Property updates and closures:

Please note that we reserve the right to close a hunting property with short notice. Please refer to or subscribe to this page for notices of property closure and duration. If you have any questions about this, please contact us at 519-621-2761.

  • Waterfowl hunting is no longer permitted on the Belwood reservoir as it conflicts with recreational use. Area 3 can be used to access the river if you wish to hunt waterfowl.
  • Bond Tract (Township of Puslinch) and the south side of Wilson’s Flats (Township of Centre Wellington) are two properties with high public recreational use in addition to hunting. To accommodate this, access to walking trails is available from June 1 to August 31 every year. During the rest of the year, the properties can be accessed via a hunting permit only.
  • The north side of Wilson’s Flats (Township of Centre Wellington) is open for walking trails only, and is closed to hunting. The map of Wilson's Flats shows the hunting and non-hunting areas.
  • All other miscellaneous hunting properties are available for hunting activities only and use of the walking/hiking trails is not permitted at any time of year.
  • Forestry operations are scheduled to take place at Baxendale East/West and Ritchie Tracts sometime between August 15 – September 30, 2024, and January 1 – March 15, 2025. These properties will be closed to the public for several weeks while operations are underway. This notice will be updated periodically with the exact timing as the work is scheduled. For more information on plantation management, please visit our webpage:  

Online applications are available starting August 1 for:

 An online lottery is used for the following:

  • All permits for Belwood Lake
  • Conestogo Lake deer permits (archery and controlled) and seasonal permits
  • Links to the lottery and more information is found in the sections below.

Location: See a Google map showing the conservation area entrance. Read more about Belwood Lake Conservation Area.

GRCA hunting permits: Hunting permit sales have moved to an online lottery. See below.

  • Daily permits are no longer available for this conservation area. 
  • Seasonal permits (migratory bird, deer, small game and fall turkey) are valid until February 28. 
  • Deer/fall turkey permits (gun or bow) are valid until December 31.
  • Deer/ archery only permit are valid until December 31.

Fees: Permit fees can be found on the Belwood Lake Fee page.

Lottery for 2024/2025: All Belwood hunting permits are sold through an online lottery system. and the seasonal hunting permits applications will be accepted from May 1, 2024 to June 20, 2024.

Licences: Hunters must possess the GRCA hunting permit in addition to the appropriate Provincial and/or Federal hunting licence(s) and stamps and/or tags.

Season/Limits: Check the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary and the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

OFAH membership: All hunters must be a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. This ensures hunters have insurance coverage on our properties. Visit the OFAH website or call 705-748-6324 for information. 

Waterfowl: There are limited waterfowl opportunities at Belwood Lake. Waterfowl hunting is no longer permitted on the Belwood reservoir as it conflicts with recreational use.  Area 3 can be used to access the river if you wish to hunt waterfowl. 

Please refer to the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

Small game: There is no spring wild turkey season. 

Deer: Permitted on posted hunting areas only. Regulations for archery, controlled hunt and muzzleloaders apply.

Hunting Areas: Area 2 is archery only. Firearms and archery are permitted in Area 1 and 3. 

More information: Download the Belwood Lake Hunting Map (1.3 KB PDF) to view the locations of the hunting areas. Please note this document may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require this document in an alternate format, please contact us

See the Belwood Lake page for conservation area information.  

Hunting days: There is no gun-hunting permitted on Sundays at Belwood Lake.

Location: See a Google map showing the conservation area entrance. Read more about Conestogo Lake Conservation Area.

GRCA hunting permits: All hunting permits are available online only and permits are not available for sale at the gatehouse.

  • Deer (archery and controlled) hunt permits as well as seasonal permits are sold through an online lottery system. See below.
  • For migratory birds and small game permits you can use the online application form starting August 1.
  • Deer archery and controlled hunt permits are valid until December 31. Seasonal (migratory birds/deer/small game/fall turkey) and migratory birds/small game permits are valid until February 28.

Fee: Permit fees can be found on the Conestogo Lake Fee page. 

Lottery for 2024/2025: Conestogo Lake deer hunting permits (both archery and controlled) and the seasonal hunting permits are sold through an online lottery system. Applications for the 2024/2025 season will be accepted from May 1, 2024 to June 20, 2024. 

Licences: Hunters must possess the GRCA hunting permit in addition to the appropriate Provincial and/or Federal hunting licence(s) and stamps and/or tags.

OFAH membership: All hunters must be a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. This ensures hunters have insurance coverage on our properties. Visit the OFAH website or call 705-748-6324 for information.  

Season/Limits: Check the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary and the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

Hunting days: There is no gun-hunting permitted on Sundays at Conestogo Lake. 

Waterfowl: Please refer to the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

Pheasant: The pheasant hunting program at Conestogo Lake Conservation Area run by the GRCA has been cancelled, however the GRCA has reached an agreement for a three-year trial pheasant hunting program starting in 2023 with the Conestogo Pheasant Club.  Additional information and permits for this program can be found on their website at

Small game: A fall wild turkey season has been added to the Conestogo Lake hunting program. Valid with a seasonal permit only. There is no spring wild turkey season. 

Deer: A limited number of permits are available for deer in posted hunting areas only during open seasons. Regulations for archery, controlled hunt and muzzleloaders apply.

More information: Download the Conestogo Lake hunting map (500 KB PDF) to view the locations of the hunting areas. Please note this document may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require this document in an alternate format, please contact us.

Location: See a Google map showing the conservation area entrance. Read more about Luther Marsh.

GRCA hunting permit: Seasonal hunting permits are available to purchase online only. Daily permits can be purchased through our online ePass upon arrival. Hunters who are unable to use the ePass system have the option of using the existing self-registration stations, using exact change only. 

  • No daily permits will be sold during the controlled deer hunt. 
  • Seasonal permits (migratory bird, deer, small game and fall turkey) are valid until February 28. 
  • Deer/fall turkey permits (gun or bow) are valid until December 31.
  • Deer/ archery only permit are valid until December 31.

Fee: Permit fees can be found on the Luther Marsh Fee page. 

Licences: Hunters must possess the GRCA hunting permit in addition to the appropriate Provincial and/or Federal hunting licence(s) and stamps and/or tags.

OFAH membership: All hunters must be a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. This ensures hunters have insurance coverage on our properties. Visit the OFAH website or call 705-748-6324 for information.   

Season/Limits: Check the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary and the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

Hunting days: No gun-hunting on Tuesday or Thursday, except during controlled deer hunts or when opening day falls on a Tuesday or Thursday. Sunday gun hunting is not permitted at Luther Marsh. Hunting is only valid from September 1 until February 28. 

Winter: Interior roads are not plowed in winter. Hunters must walk in.

Boat access: All boaters (canoe, kayak, rowboat or motorboat) must complete the Luther Marsh boat registration form (600 KB PDF) which is also available at the conservation area entrance kiosk.

Waterfowl: Please refer to the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

Deer: Permitted on posted hunting areas only. Regulations for archery, controlled hunt and muzzleloaders apply.

Small game: There is no spring wild turkey season at Luther Marsh.

More information: Download the Luther Marsh Hunting Map (250KB PDF). Please note this document may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require this document in an alternate format, please contact us.

See the Luther Marsh page for more information. 

Locations: The GRCA owns 18 properties, primarily in Dufferin and Wellington counties where hunting is allowed by permit only ($124.00). The properties range from 40 to 80 hectares.

Please note: 

  • Bond Tract (Township of Puslinch) and the south side of Wilson’s Flats (Township of Centre Wellington) are two properties with high public recreational use in addition to hunting. 
    • To accommodate this, access to walking trails are available from June 1 to August 31 every year. The rest of the year the property can be accessed via hunting permit only.
  • The north side of Wilson’s Flats (Township of Centre Wellington) is open for walking trails only, and closed to hunting. The map of Wilson's Flats shows the hunting and non-hunting areas.
  • All other miscellaneous properties hunting properties are available for hunting activities only and no walking trails will be permitted year round.
  • The Cutting Tract, which is directly across from the Keldon Tract, has been added to the Miscellaneous hunting properties.
  • Baxendale East Tract has been included with the Baxendale West Tract (Township of East Luther Grand Valley) and hunting is permitted at both properties. 

GRCA hunting permit: Hunting permits are available to purchase online starting August 1. Permits are valid from September 1 to May 31. 

Permit sales will close on December 31. If you wish to hunt the 2025 spring turkey season you must purchase your permit prior to December 31, 2024.      

Licences: Hunters must possess the GRCA hunting permit in addition to the appropriate Provincial and/or Federal hunting licence(s) and stamps and/or tags.

Season/Limits: Check the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary and the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations Summaries for seasons and limits.

OFAH membership: All hunters must be a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. This ensures hunters have insurance coverage on our properties. Visit the OFAH website or call 705-748-6324 for information.   

More information: Miscellaneous hunting areas (500 KB PDF) includes a map and locations of the 18 miscellaneous hunting properties. Please note the first page of this multi-page document (map) may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require this document in an alternate format, please contact us.

If you would like boundary maps of the individual miscellaneous hunting properties, please send us an email. 

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