Birding Code of Ethics
This code of ethics is based on those developed by the Ontario Field Ornithologists. They are intended for birdwatchers and photographers. The welfare of the birds comes first. Whatever your interest, from recreational birding to scientific study, always consider the impact of your activity on the birds.
Keep disturbance to a minimum
Although some birds can tolerate human activity, tolerance levels vary from species to species and from season to season. Use common sense and extreme caution around nests.
- Migrants may be tired and hungry and should not be kept from resting or feeding.
- When photographing birds, study their reaction and if they become agitated, back off.
- Avoid the use of flash photography on owls.
- Recordings and other audio playback methods commonly used to monitor marsh birds and owls may cause stress. Such methods should be used sparingly and avoided in heavily birded areas.
- Do not deliberately flush birds. Patience is often rewarded.
- Use trails to avoid trampling vegetation.
Rare bird sightings
Rare species, including vagrants, are highly sought after by birders.
If you discover a rarity, consider the circumstances carefully before posting the information on a discussion forum or websites such as eBird. You should consider whether an influx of birders will disturb the bird, people or other species in the area.
- Will the bird's habitat be damaged if more people look for it?
- Is there enough parking and safe access to the site?
- If the site is on private property, has the local landowner granted permission?
- Always tell the landowner about the find, explain what may happen and obtain permission to tell other birders.
- Ask the landowner for a list of "dos" and "don'ts." For example, where can birders stand to get a good view and what restrictions would there be on time of day.
- Ask which areas of the property are off limit or unsafe.
If you decide to release the information, provide a precise location and directions to the site. If possible, include a phone number. At all times make as little noise as possible. Remember, most non-birders will be surprised by the number of visitors who wish to see a rare bird.
Rare breeding birds
If you discover a rare breeding bird, do not feel under any obligation to report your find to other birders. Record the details of your discovery. Avoid visiting known sites of rare breeding birds unless they can be viewed from a distance without disturbance.
Respect the rights of public and private landowners
Respect posted signs on public land. Do not trespass on private property without permission from the landowner. Leave gates as you find them and do not damage fences.
Have consideration for others
- Please do not disrupt other birders or photographers or scare the birds they are watching.
- Many other people enjoy the outdoors; do not interfere with their activities.
- Be polite to other birders and helpful to beginners.
- If you see people obviously disturbing birds or significantly damaging habitat, explain to them the effect of their actions but be courteous as they may not be aware of the effect they are having.
Increase our knowledge about birds
Keep detailed notes of your sightings and submit them to a relevant authority (e.g. area/regional bird record compiler, eBird, local naturalist club). Submit your reports of review list species to the Secretary, Ontario Bird Records Committee.