Land Dispositions
The GRCA's Ability to Dispose of Lands
We sometimes dispose of, or enter into long term agreements for properties that do not meet the needs of the authority. For that to happen the GRCA board must first declare the lands surplus.
- For example, we may buy a large property to build a dike, but only a piece of the property is required for the project. In that case, we will maintain ownership of the land under the dike, but sell the remainder.
Land sales require the GRCA board approval and some may also require us to provide additional notification to other agencies. Read more in our Land Disposition Policy (171KB PDF)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry rules govern how conservation authority land sales must take place and how the public is consulted on dispositions.
- We acquire land to protect natural features in priority areas or to add to existing properties to expand habitat areas.
- Sometimes we buy the land at appraised market rates. In other cases, the landowner donates the property to us.
- Priority acquisition areas include the Keldon and Amaranth source areas, Luther Marsh, Roseville Swamp, Beverly Swamp and the Dunnville Marsh.
- Additional items are outlined in our Land Acquisition Policy (37KB PDF).
Notice of Public Consultations
Notices when given, are in accordance with Section 21(4) of the Conservation Authorities Act.
Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information will only be kept for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it is collected. If you have any questions about this collection of personal information, you can contact us at 519-621-2763 or email
General Questions
For any general questions or comments on the GRCA land disposition process please contact