Report a spill
A spill is a discharge of a pollutant into the natural environment.
If you are responsible for a spill or notice a spill into the river, it is the law to immediately contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Spills Action Centre at 1-800-268-6060.
The MOECC is responsible for enforcing the Environmental Protection Act. The Ministry can order the owner of the pollutant or the municipality to clean up a spill.
Municipalities are responsible for cleaning up the spill if the owner of the pollutant is not known.
The GRCA provides support to its watershed municipalities and the Ministry by providing river flow information for pollutant travel times and to ensure that downstream drinking water plants are notified. We can also assist a situation by reviewing reservoir operations.
For more information, please see the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks.